$7.00 USD

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Positively change every aspect of your life no matter how busy you are with HABIT CHANGE FOR BUSY PEOPLE!

In This Course You'll Learn

  • How to use habits to become the best version of YOU without faking it or burning out.

  • Why we use busy-ness as an excuse to not make changes and to choose wimpy goals.

  • 5 simple strategies to make good habits stick no matter how packed your schedule is.

  •  A customizable Habit Tracker Challenge so you can reach your goals your own unique way.

  • Best practices to stick with your tracking even when it gets hard and your motivation disappears.

SPECIAL OFFER: ADD ON FOR ONLY $7 (regularly $97)

Fix It Fast! What To Do When Your Plans Fail

Fix It Fast! What To Do When Your Plans Fail is your step-by-step guide to figure out what works, what doesn't, and how to get results quickly as you pursue your big goals.

In This Course You'll Learn

  • ☀️ How to recognize when your plans aren't working so you stop making it worse.

  • ☀️ The top reasons why your plans fail that you've been ignoring.

  • ☀️ Why we change the plan, not the goal. Don't throw out the good with the bad!

  • ☀️ How to expertly refine your plan so you'll get better results in the future.

  • ☀️ Easy ways to pivot and edit your plan while it’s in motion.

Benefits You Can Expect From the Fix It Fast Formula

  • ☀️ Forgiving yourself for being a flawed human being, just like the rest of us!

  • ☀️ Renewed confidence as you inch forward on your most important goals because you're doing what works.

  • ☀️ The ability to adapt and edit your life when you face obstacles in the future. You're in it for the long haul!

  • ☀️ A new appreciation for planning your next steps instead of "winging it" like an amateur.

  • ☀️ Massive motivation with a treats and rewards plan so you never get burned out again on your way to success.

Here's What's Included

  • ☀️ Immediate, lifetime access to the course.

  • ☀️ Bite-sized video lessons to make it easy to digest the content.

  • ☀️ More than 50 minutes total of video content with examples for various goals and lifestyles.

  • ☀️ Invite to my private client/student-only Facebook group, the Life Editor Awesome Party—LEAP!

Refund Policy: Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refunds after purchase.