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Learn how to double or triple every sale you make with 50 SIMPLE SALES MULTIPLIERS!

In This Course You'll Learn

  • What are sales multipliers and how they boost your bottom line with every purchase.
  • How to kindly and genuinely lead your customers to additional products and offers that can help them reach their big goals.
  • How to automate your passive income streams for effortless sales so you have more time for living your life. Stop feeling chained to your laptop!
  • 50 simple (yet effective!) sales multipliers you can implement in your business starting TODAY. Many take less than 5 minutes to complete.
  • Ways to make 'em work for any type of business with simple tweaks for digital products, physical products, services, and more!
  • A customizable action plan for adding sales multipliers to your business over the next 3 months based on your needs and priorities.

SPECIAL OFFER! ADD ON FOR ONLY $7 (regularly $27)

50 Ways to Promote Your Business Without Social Media

❌ Sick of social media? Here's how to get sales without it!

If you're burned out from the drama, oversharing, and competition on countless social media platforms, then it's time to chart your own unique course for your business.

In This Course You'll Learn

  • ☕ Why marketing matters for your business’s success. You can't "set it and forget it!"

  • ☕ How social media has failed us and how to recover from too much drama and stress.

  • ☕ How to define clear boundaries in your business to protect your time, money, energy, and mental health.

  • ☕ The key to getting sales when you need to step back from the influence of social media.

  • ☕ 50 simple (yet effective!) ways to promote your business without social media without working long hours or draining your bank account.

  • ☕ Promotion tips for any type of business with easy tweaks for digital products, physical products, services, and more!

  • ☕ A customizable action plan for upping your marketing game for the next full year without relying on social media.

Here's What's Included

  • ☕ Immediate, lifetime access to the course.

  • ☕ Bite-sized video lessons to make it easy to digest the content.

  • ☕ Printable Cheat Sheet to design your 12-month implementation plan.

  • ☕ More than 90 minutes total of video content with examples for various types of businesses.

  • ☕ Invite to my private client/student-only Facebook group, the Life Editor Awesome Party—LEAP!

Refund Policy: Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refunds after purchase.