$7.00 USD

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Tired of unnecessary excess muddling up your life, health, business, relationships, and more? If so, then you'll love MINIMALISM WITHOUT DEPRIVATION!

In This Course You'll Learn

  • The truth about minimalism and how it's been used to improve lives, cause massive guilt, and everything in between.

  • How minimalism and life editing are intimately tied to each other for your benefit.

  • Why we resist minimalism, especially when we think everything must "spark joy."

  • Common myths about living with less. It's not about owning one outfit and sleeping on the floor in an all-white house.

  • The dangers of minimalism including the "one pair of underwear" people.

  • Small ways to embrace minimalism without deprivation in your life, business, health, relationships, and more.

SPECIAL OFFER: ADD ON FOR ONLY $7 (regularly $47)

Here and Happy: Modern Mindfulness Meditations

Here and Happy: Modern Mindfulness Meditations is your secret weapon for protecting your mental health against a world full of stress. You'll calm your mind, relax your routines, and boost your happiness.

In This Course You'll Learn

  • 🌸 Why it's so hard to be happy when things go wrong, and what you can do about it.

  • 🌸 How to appreciate what you have even if it’s not everything you want.

  • 🌸 Why successful people never lose their childlike sense of wonder. You can get this back!

  • 🌸 10 mindfulness meditations to find joy in the present moment without pretending or acting fake.

  • 🌸 10 playfulness practices to add to your daily routine for a happier, more content life.

Benefits You Can Expect From Maximizing Your Mindfulness

  • 🌸 No more screaming at your kids, spouse, or boss when your anxiety is triggered.

  • 🌸 More energy to complete your tasks and projects because you don't crash and burn in the afternoon anymore.

  • 🌸 Feeling a profound sense of peace and getting better sleep than you have in ages.

  • 🌸 Filling your "mental toolkit" with practical mindfulness exercises that can instantly calm you in a tense moment.

  • 🌸 Permission to be an imperfect human who appreciates all the blessings right in front of her. This is the only life you've got!

Here's What's Included

  • 🌸 Immediate, lifetime access to the course.

  • 🌸 Bite-sized video lessons to make it easy to digest the content.

  • 🌸 More than 75 minutes total of video content with practical mindfulness exercises that can be done anywhere.

  • 🌸 Invite to my private client/student-only Facebook group, the Life Editor Awesome Party—LEAP!

Refund Policy: Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refunds after purchase.