$597.00 USD

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Boost your success with support from other business owners. Add on WEEKLY ACCOUNTABILITY CALLS!

  • 90-minute weekly on Zoom calls with Sage and the other members of Goodbye 9-to-5.
  • Speak directly to Sage to get personalized answers to your biggest questions.
  • Share your successes, challenges, and next steps so we can keep you accountable.
  • Make new friends who are all working to earn full-time incomes with their businesses.

SPECIAL OFFER! ADD ON FOR ONLY $47/mo (regularly $97/mo)

No long-term contract. Cancel the call subscription at any time but keep the Goodbye 9-to-5 program.

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Goodbye 9-to-5

Welcome to our supercharged business mastermind and membership!

Here's What's Inside Goodbye 9-to-5

  • 🗓️ Business Strategy Program to help you earn a full-time income through your business so you can quit your day job or keep it for a double income.
  • ✅ Goodbye 9-to-5 Framework to design your unique plan for earning money with your business and how to prioritize your projects as low-, medium-, and high-effort.
  • 💋 40+ KISS Projects to help you implement an evergreen business strategy and move through the 4 phases to financial freedom. “Keep it simple, sister!” and KISS your day job goodbye.
  • 🏆 Achievable Milestones for Each Phase so you can feel confident and capable before moving on to your next projects.
  • ⭐ Access to 4 of My Digital Courses: Startup In 60 ($147), Life Editing for Beginners ($97), Edit My Life Planner ($27), and the Life Editor Clubhouse Archives ($297).
  • 😘 New KISS Projects Added Quarterly so you never get complacent or stagnate on your way to financial freedom.
  • 🗣️ Add On Optional Weekly Group Calls to keep you motivated, share strategies, and stay connected to the rest of the members.
  • 💛 Private Facebook Group so you can get extra support from me and your Life Editor accountability partners. We’ll connect, answer questions, and celebrate your successes!

You’ll go from learning your craft >> to nurturing your fans >> to selling with ease >> to supporting yourself with a full-time income.

Refund Policy: Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refunds after purchase.