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Learn how to double or triple every sale you make with 50 SIMPLE SALES MULTIPLIERS!

In This Course You'll Learn

  • What are sales multipliers and how they boost your bottom line with every purchase.
  • How to kindly and genuinely lead your customers to additional products and offers that can help them reach their big goals.
  • How to automate your passive income streams for effortless sales so you have more time for living your life. Stop feeling chained to your laptop!
  • 50 simple (yet effective!) sales multipliers you can implement in your business starting TODAY. Many take less than 5 minutes to complete.
  • Ways to make 'em work for any type of business with simple tweaks for digital products, physical products, services, and more!
  • A customizable action plan for adding sales multipliers to your business over the next 3 months based on your needs and priorities.

SPECIAL OFFER! ADD ON FOR ONLY $7 (regularly $27)

Design Your "Easy Yes" Product for Daily Sales

Design Your "Easy Yes" Product for Daily Sales is your step-by-step guide to creating a low-priced yet high-value product that sells on autopilot every single day. It's lazy marketing at its finest!

In This Course You'll Learn

  • 💵 What's an "Easy Yes" product and how it effortlessly gets your ideal customers over the hump of buying from you.

  • 💵 How to structure your Welcome Email Sequence to kindly nurture your new subscribers so they trust you in just a few days.

  • 💵 The biggest mistake business owners make when creating their products and services. Hint: you need stepping stones!

  • 💵 Why daily sales should be your most important goal for the financial stability of your business and your life.

  • 💵 How to set up simple automations so you get daily sales and your potential customers are never left hanging.

Benefits You Can Expect From Your "Easy Yes" Product

  • 💵 Setting up your product and welcome sequence ONCE and then letting it do the hard work for you over and over on autopilot.

  • 💵 Completely covering your "spaghetti number" budget through passive income so you never worry about paying rent again.

  • 💵 Finally getting people to buy that awesome product you made 5 years ago that no one knows about.

  • 💵 Building trust with your potential customers from the moment they sign up for your freebie.

  • 💵 No longer worrying about "bothering" your subscribers with too many emails. They WANT to hear from you!

Here's What's Included

  • 💵 Immediate, lifetime access to the course.

  • 💵 Bite-sized video lessons to make it easy to digest the content.

  • 💵 More than 60 minutes total of video content with step-by-step guides for your product creation, emails, and automations.

  • 💵 Invite to my private client/student-only Facebook group, the Life Editor Awesome Party—LEAP!

Refund Policy: Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refunds after purchase.