$7.00 USD

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Tired of unnecessary excess muddling up your life, health, business, relationships, and more? If so, then you'll love MINIMALISM WITHOUT DEPRIVATION!

In This Course You'll Learn

  • The truth about minimalism and how it's been used to improve lives, cause massive guilt, and everything in between.

  • How minimalism and life editing are intimately tied to each other for your benefit.

  • Why we resist minimalism, especially when we think everything must "spark joy."

  • Common myths about living with less. It's not about owning one outfit and sleeping on the floor in an all-white house.

  • The dangers of minimalism including the "one pair of underwear" people.

  • Small ways to embrace minimalism without deprivation in your life, business, health, relationships, and more.

SPECIAL OFFER: ADD ON FOR ONLY $7 (regularly $47)

Law of Attraction for Skeptics

Law of Attraction for Skeptics is a supercharged video course with easy, practical manifesting techniques to prove to yourself that you have the power to manifest what you desire.

In This Course You'll Learn

  • 🌈 Why the law of attraction is for everyone no matter your education, religion, or lifestyle.

  • 🌈 How to stop being a Debbie Downer by changing the media you consume.

  • 🌈 Small first steps to take to ease yourself into manifesting on autopilot.

  • 🌈 What "lucky people" know and how you can see your current circumstances in a whole new light.

  • 🌈 My Abundance Attractor Challenge to start manifesting what you really want: more money, better health, a loving relationship, and more!

Benefits You Can Expect From Implementing These LOA Techniques

  • 🌈 Gaining confidence in your manifesting power by starting small and building up to bigger goals.

  • 🌈 Trusting the universe (or God!) to give you the answers you need and the wisdom to notice those answers.

  • 🌈 Attracting what you desire quickly and easily once you shift your mindset to one of positivity and openness.

  • 🌈 Cleaning up the negative forces around you that you don't even realize are affecting you.

  • 🌈 Becoming the most positive person you know and sharing that happy energy with everyone around you.

Here's What's Included

  • 🌈 Immediate, lifetime access to the course.

  • 🌈 Bite-sized video lessons to make it easy to digest the content.

  • 🌈 More than 90 minutes total of video content with down-to-earth, simple manifesting exercises.

  • 🌈 Invite to my private client/student-only Facebook group, the Life Editor Awesome Party—LEAP!

Refund Policy: Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refunds after purchase.