Hone your craft, grow your list, get sales, and earn a full-time income with your business like a true leader.

Only $7 for the next 15 minutes!

One Payment


(regularly $597)


💋 Kiss your day job goodbye!

Goodbye 9-to-5 is a self-paced business strategy program designed to help you earn a full-time income with your business.

ALL-NEW! You asked for it, and now Goodbye 9-to-5 is a self-paced home study program.
Choose to add on weekly coaching calls or chart your own course with no monthly fees.

Here's How "Goodbye 9-to-5" Works!

Clean Up Your Struggling Business

Delete the distractions, fluff, and dead weight that don’t lead to money. No more spinning your wheels!

Design Your Personalized Money-Making Plan

Choose offers, products, and strategies that honor your time, energy, and lifestyle.

Earn a Full-Time Income With Your Business

Earn consistent income with tried-and-tested business strategies. No sleazy sales tactics here!

Will you QUIT YOUR JOB or keep it and your revitalized business for DOUBLE THE INCOME?
The choice is yours . . .

Hey there! I'm Sage Grayson.

I'm a former book editor turned life and business coach, and I help ambitious women edit their habits, routines, and mindsets to balance their happiness at work and home.

I'm a Life Editor . . . and so are you!

Since 2011, I've been successfully running my own 6-figure online business and teaching women just like you how to defeat their fears, own their worth, and create profitable businesses from scratch.

You can do this . . . and Goodbye 9-to-5 can help!

Start Your Money Making Journey!

Phase 1: Hone My Craft

Focus on you becoming the best you can be in your field.

  • Develop a unique style to stand out from the crowd.
  • Attend virtual or in-person industry events to network, learn, and share your expertise.
  • Design a consistent content creation plan to establish yourself as a leader.
  • And more!

Phase 2: Grow My Email List

Focus on filling your email subscriber list with ideal potential clients.

  • Promote valuable free offers that solve your customers' problems.
  • Send consistent marketing emails to nurture your subscribers and kindly lead them to purchasing.
  • Build a community of Super Fans who love your work and encourage their friends to join.
  • And more!

Phase 3: Get Serious About Sales

Focus on selling your products and earning a consistent income.

  • Write dynamic copy and sales pages that effortlessly sell your products and services.
  • Set up passive income funnels that sell on autopilot so you get paid every single day.
  • Market like you mean it with high-value bundles and summits, targeted ads, and professional tech.
  • And more!

Phase 4: Double Income or Quit My Job

Focus on earning a full-time income with your business ($60,000+). You have the freedom to keep your day job for a double income or quit it to solely work on your business.

  • Offer elite-level masterminds and group programs with insane results for your best clients.
  • Follow persuasive call scripts that honor your clients and sell like magic.
  • Raise your prices, expand your income streams, host retreats, and act like a true professional.
  • And more!

Most-Watched Lessons in the Program

Evergreen Email Sequence Planner

2-Day Product Producer

Holiday Flash Sale Templates

"Lukewarm" Marketing Challenge

Here's What's Inside Goodbye 9-to-5

  • 🗓️ Business Strategy Program to help you earn a full-time income through your business so you can quit your day job or keep it for a double income.
  • ✅ Goodbye 9-to-5 Framework to design your unique plan for earning money with your business and how to prioritize your projects as low-, medium-, and high-effort.
  • 💋 50+ KISS Projects to help you implement an evergreen business strategy and move through the 4 phases to financial freedom. “Keep it simple, sister!” and KISS your day job goodbye.
  • 🏆 Achievable Milestones for Each Phase so you can feel confident and capable before moving on to your next projects.
  • ⭐ Access to 4 of My Digital Courses: Startup In 60 ($147), Life Editing for Beginners ($97), Edit My Life Planner ($27), and the Life Editor Clubhouse Archives ($297).
  • 😘 New KISS Projects Added Quarterly so you never get complacent or stagnate on your way to financial freedom.
  • 🗣️ Add On Optional Weekly Group Calls to keep you motivated, share strategies, and stay connected to the rest of the members.
  • 💛 Private Facebook Group so you can get extra support from me and your Life Editor accountability partners. We’ll connect, answer questions, and celebrate your successes!

You’ll go from learning your craft >> to nurturing your fans >> to selling with ease >> to supporting yourself with a full-time income.

I reached my 3-month income goal in less than a month!

I have learned to push myself and get out of my own comfort zone and started to get things done.

I have also learned that it only takes a minute to do certain things that make a huge impact on my business.

Vanessa Greenway

I filled my 4 coaching spots within 3 days and received great feedback completely unprompted!

Sage helped me articulate my message in a clear framework, set me up to launch my first coaching program, and gave me a ton of clear actionable ideas on how to grow my community.

Kerryn Hewson

I met the 2 financial goals that I set forth on my first 12-week plan!

Sage is brilliant and her system truly works!

She guides her clients with compassion, humor, and perspective.

She will make you feel as though you are her one and only client.

Karen P. Carlson, Ph.D.

I got more done with Sage in 3 months than I did in 3 years!

Sage is a joy to work with.

She listened to me, she heard me, she pushed me, she held me accountable, she cheered me on, and she celebrated me.

Wilma Lee

Check Out These Amazing Results!

  • ✅ Fanny sold out her coaching program in just 2 weeks.
  • ✅ Vanessa earned a full-time income from her business in less than a month.
  • ✅ Erika got 2 extra paying clients per month so she could quit her job.
  • ✅ Marilyn doubled her business income in just 90 days.
  • ✅ Sarah launched her first mastermind group and charged her highest rate ever.
  • ✅ Karen reached her 2 biggest financial goals in just 12 weeks.
  • ✅ Wilma got more done in 3 months than she did in the past 3 years.

What will you achieve next?

New KISS Projects Added Quarterly
(that's keep it simple, sister!)

  • 💋 Design an evergreen email funnel to get daily sales on autopilot.
  • 💋 Use gamification to boost engagement in your community.
  • 💋 Create tripwires to kindly promote your products with urgency and scarcity.
  • 💋 Try 50 ways to promote your business without social media.
  • 💋 Get instant sales from Super Fans with my "hand-raise" post template.
  • 💋 Host supercharged livestreams and summits that sell your products like magic.
  • 💋 Streamline your daily routine for maximum efficiency so you can take breaks and days off without guilt.
  • 💋 Attract high-paying sponsor deals to get paid for your content creation.
  • 💋 And many more!

Kiss your day job goodbye!

Focus On the Important Stuff,
Not the Common Distractions

You will not have the coolest logo or prettiest sales page. But you’ll be earning money, which is the whole point.

No more wasting time. No more waiting until you “feel like it.”

Enjoy the freedom to choose your own prices instead of feeding off the scraps from your day job. Stop praying for more traffic to visit your online store and instead focus your energy on your most likely buyers who already know, like, and trust you.

Build a loyal following of Super Fans who gobble up your products and services so you never have to beg for people to buy your stuff.

Goodbye 9-to-5 is not an information program;
it's an IMPLEMENTATION program.

If you're willing to do the work, then you'll . . .

Supercharge Your

Own your worth and confidently raise your prices, market like you mean it, and reach out to the people who need your solutions the most.

Skyrocket Your Productivity

Get laser focused on tried-and-tested money making activities to get more done in 2 hours than you did in the past week.

Double Your Income or Quit Your Day Job

You can choose to keep your job for double the income or quit it for more time to build your business with passion and dedication.


Hone your craft, grow your list, get sales, and earn a full-time income with your business like a true leader.

Only $7 for the next 15 minutes.

One Payment


(regularly $597)


What Does Freedom Look Like to You?

No more sitting in a cubicle all day when you could be working a few hours at home in your comfy yoga pants.

No more god-awful 9-to-5 schedule.

Save your energy for taking your kids to Disney World, going hiking with your dog, or giving your spouse the best of you instead of acting like an exhausted zombie in the bedroom.

Collapsing on the couch at the end of a long day (instead of doing your business work) is the lazy way to waste your life.

Aren’t you worth more than that?

Don’t your loved ones deserve more than that?

Frequently Asked Questions

Here's What My Clients Would Do With Another Full-Time Income

  • “I could stop worrying about how to pay for insurance.”
  • “I’d no longer be living hand to mouth.”
  • “I could stop working overtime.”
  • “I could afford a caregiver for my disabled sister.”
  • “I could have 2 full-time incomes as my husband is about to lose his job.”
  • “I could pay for my retirement.”
  • “I could pay for my kids’ college tuition.”
  • “I wouldn’t have to choose between buying my prescriptions or food.”

What about you?

All Types of Businesses Can Do This

  • Life coaches and business coaches
  • Digital course creators
  • Graphic designers and artists
  • Fitness trainers
  • Photographers
  • Event planners
  • Jewelry makers and crafters
  • Writers and editors
  • And many more!

Ready to dump your excuses?

I reached my income goal 2 weeks after our first session.

Sage keeps me laser-focused on what to do next and helps me figure out and prioritize the action steps.

I’m more motivated to get things done when I have to check in every week.

Fanny Seto

My income more than doubled while working with Sage, and I now run full-day and half-day wellness retreats. 

Sage is very upbeat (all the time), positive, extremely helpful, and very supportive. A great coach to have on your side!

Marilyn Kortendick

I went from idea to my first paying client in 2 months!

My creativity comes out better when I’m having fun, and Sage is fun!

But she’s also focused so that I make continuous progress toward my goals.

Erika Swafford

Sage is such an amazing coach!

Her energy is infectious, and I leave our calls feeling excited and motivated to work on my goals.

Sage is very caring and helps you through any challenges you might have and to cheer you on every step of the way!

Marie-France Lamothe

Top 5 Reasons to Challenge Yourself

  1. “If I don’t quit my day job soon, I’ll be arrested for murdering Kim in accounting for stealing my lunch and wearing too much perfume.”
  2. “I don’t want to have to tell my kids that we don’t have money for college (or vacations or whatever). It’s my fault we have debt, but I can get my finances back on track fast with Sage’s help.”
  3. “I love my business, but I’m heartbroken that it’s dying a slow death. I’m ready to try new tactics and get out of my comfort zone to save it.”
  4. “Even if I keep my day job, the extra income will help us stay financially stable despite inflation.”
  5. “My ancient car (or washing machine) is about to die any day now. I need more cash NOW to replace or fix the broken parts of my home before an accident happens.”

What's your reason?

How will your life change when you take your business seriously?

Imagine what you could achieve with a dedicated coach with 13+ years experience helping entrepreneurs just like you earn full-time incomes through their businesses.

This is your sign!

Join Goodbye 9-to-5 and take control of your time, money, and energy.

Future You will thank you.


Hone your craft, grow your list, get sales, and earn a full-time income with your business like a true leader.

Only $7 for the next 15 minutes.

One Payment


(regularly $597)