My best-selling planner is better than ever!
Clean up your to-do list, reclaim your time, and reach your goals FAST!

Now onlyĀ $27!
What if you could accomplish more
in the next 12 weeks than you did in
the past 12 months?
With the Edit My Life Planner, there's no need for complicated new year's resolutions
that fall apart before the spring.
No more breaking the promises you make to yourself.
No more spinning your wheels on "busy work" without ever reaching your goals.
No more beating yourself up for not sticking to good habits.
You'll learn how to supercharge your success in just 12 weeks.

Get it now for $27
Does this sound like you? Be honest!

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I have big goals but I never accomplish them."

"I'm not good at prioritizing. I'm always flying by the seat of my pants!"

"I tend to procrastinate until the last minute to do something. There's no urgency in my life."

"My projects always take much longer to complete than I think they will."

"I feel like I'm letting myself down and not living up to my fullest potential."

"I'm tired of wasting money on the latest products and classes that never end up working for my lifestyle."
"Ugh! I just want a planner to keep me organized
and moving forward daily so I don't give up on my goals,
break the promises I make to myself, and fail again!"
I hear you, Life Editor!
What if there was a way to streamline your goals, design logical project plans, and choose tasks that inch you forward every day . . .
without overwhelm . . .
without an overly complex system . . .
and without waiting months for results.
That's exactly why I created the Edit My Life Planner.
You'll achieve all your biggest goals for your health, business, relationships, finances, and more in only 12 weeks by using my
Life Editing Process.
The Edit My Life Planner
is a quick mini course and planner bundle to help you
stop procrastinating on your biggest goals and get results fast.
No more rough drafts. Choose an edited life!
Grab the Edit My Life Planner today . . .
Now onlyĀ $27!

Edit My Life Planner
- 150-Page Printable Daily Planner
- 70-Page Printable Weekly Planner
- 5-Day Mini Video Course
- 8 Clarity Worksheets
- Lifetime Access to the Entire Program Including All Future Updates!
Now only $27!
>> YES, I'M READY! <<Want a free preview? Of course you do!
Watch this video to learn about my coaching style and the top 5 reasons you're not reaching your goals. Tough love time!
Right now, you're struggling with taking your hopes, dreams, and desires and forming them into actionable projects and tasks.
You know EXACTLY how you want your life to look like.
But getting to your next chapter is muddled with starts and stops, inconsistent progress, and confusion about
what you should be focusing on daily.
Imagine if you could . . .

Wake up every morning knowing exactly what tasks are on your daily to-do list AND that those tasks lead directly to your most important goals.

Complete all your projects quicker than ever before with more joy and passion.

Feel crystal clear about your priorities and confident enough to say no to anything that doesn’t support your success.

Enjoy the relief and ease that comes when you embrace life editing.

Now onlyĀ $27!

Hey there! I'm Sage Grayson.
I'm a former book editor turned life and business coach, and I help ambitious women edit their habits, routines, and mindsets to balance their happiness at work and home.
I'm a Life Editor . . . and so are you!
Since 2011, I've been successfully running my own online business andĀ teaching women just like you how toĀ choose the right goals for them, boost their productivity, and live perfectly edited lives with more happiness and less stress.
I'm sharing the exact same planning system that I teach my private clients to achieve more in just 12 weeks than they did in the past 12 months.
You can do this . . . and the Edit My Life Planner can help!
Here's What You Get!

150-Page Printable Daily Planner
to keep you energized, organized, and focused for all 12 weeks.

70-Page Printable Weekly Planner
to keep you energized, organized, and focused for all 12 weeks.

5-Day Mini Video Course
with detailed examples, step-by-step how-tos, and my favorite tips and tricks.

8 Clarity Worksheets
to design your goals, projects, and tasks in a logical plan of attack.

The Life Editing Process
my proprietary coaching framework to edit your life like a book editor edits a manuscript.

The 12 Week Technique
is the sweet spot for goal planning with urgency and intention.

The Pyramid Planning Model
your secret weapon to sticking to your good habits and making consistent, meaningful progress.

10 Speedy Strategies For Success
my go-to tactics for cutting through your distractions and getting stuff done FAST!

Quarterly Progress Check
to assess your successes, challenges, and make a plan for your next 12 weeks.
Get it now for $27

Frequently Asked Questions
How does the Edit My Life Planner work?
Why is this a 12 week plan instead of a yearly planner?
I'm not good at prioritizing my time. Can this planner help?
How long do I have access to the program?
My goal with the Edit My Life Planner is to help busy ambitious women achieve their most important goals in 12 weeks so that they can keep the promises they make to themselves and feel hopeful about the future.
Who is the Edit My Life Planner for?

Business Owners
who need to stay on top of content creation, social media posting, and client sessions.

Moms and Caregivers
who manage multiple schedules and need to get tasks done quickly.

who have been neglecting their dreams for too long and are ready to take action.
You'll consider this the best planner system
you've ever bought.
Imagine where you could be
12 weeks from now . . .
Confidently using a clear planner system to keep you organized and moving forward daily.
Never feeling overwhelmed or confused about what steps
to take next.
Reaching your ginormous goals quicker than ever before while still having time for self-care.
Ā Get it now for $27

In just 5 days, you can design a
12 week plan for success.
Step 1
Click the "I'm Ready!" button below
to complete your purchase.
Step 2
Check your email inbox for
your login information.
Step 3
Login to the program portal
and get started!

Edit My Life Planner
- 150-Page Printable Daily Planner
- 70-Page Printable Weekly Planner
- 5-Day Mini Video Course
- 8 Clarity Worksheets
- Lifetime Access to the Entire Program Including All Future Updates!
Now only $27!
>> I'M READY! <<Praise for Sage Grayson, Life Editor

"Sage helped me get back up after failures and changed my life!"
Linda K. Strahl

"Sage helped me put one foot in front of the other."
Nell Schroer

"Sage helped me get past my fear and self-doubt."
Lisa Prieto

"I didn't know how much of a difference having my own coach could make!"
Marie-France Lamothe
Refund Policy: Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refunds after purchase.